Name:Marco Date:20/6/2017
Since 1954 New Zealand has been celebrating Queen's Birthday on the first Monday of June.
I know of no official celebrations that are held for this and I see no way that it enhances our culture. I mean no disrespect to her Highness Queen Elizabeth the second when I suggest we change this holiday to one that has some people here in New Zealand. I
if we were to switch it to be Matariki, we would help equalize the balance of holidays in our year. Meaning the long period between Easter and Labour weekend with no holidays.
True prior to European arrival the Maori had no public holidays in place however Matariki was celebrated by various tribes at different times in the winter, depending on the cycle of the moon. Some it was the full moon others it was the new moon.
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Back to the point. So at this stage I'm suggesting that instead of celebrating the Queen's birthday on a date that isn't even her birthday let's celebrate Matariki and grow our culture and traditions.
To Marco: your argument is quite intriguing and very well put
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